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Maximilien Drion in gold at Pierra Menta

There's the Mans's 24 hours for cars. The Hawaian Ironman for triathlon. And the Pierra Menta for alpin skiing. Last weekend, The Belgian Maximilien Drion walked on the highest marched of the junior podium. He comments: "The Pierra Menta is the alpin skiing's mythical race firstly because of it's hard tracks and also because of it's atmosphere."
This year, the event took place in Savoie in the Arêches station. The participating athletes took place in a race with 10.000 meters of up hill split over 4 days. For the junior category which Maximilien participated in, the organisors limited the up hill to 2400 meters over two days. In partnership with Pierre Mettan (member of the Swiss Team), Maximilien gave all he had to finally finish with 38 seconds of advance on the Italian pair composed by Andra Prandi et Nicolo Canclini.
This huge success follows a third place he already had a couple of weeks ago during the European alpine skiing Championship. The satisfaction is huge in Maximilien Drion's family. This new face on the podium made the speaker say the good he thought of new countries appearing in the discipline. Let's hope, this performance will give some ideas to other young skiers.

Maximilien Drion's blog